Everything you need to know about teeth whitening.
The attitudes towards teeth whitening has changed dramatically over the last few years, as people see it as one of modern life’s necessities like a haircut. But what are the facts around Teeth whitening that you need to know before going ahead, to make sure teeth whitening is right for you?
Not everyone is equal
Everyone’s teeth are different and it is unrealistic to believe there are people out there who naturally have brilliant white teeth, teeth become discoloured with age and stain with the food and drink we consume. This means it is important to be sure of the reasons why you want your teeth whitening and it’s important to understand that, as people’s teeth are different, the time it takes to achieve a whiter shade will be different as well.
Whitening is safe…as long as you are smart!
It is against the law for anyone other than a regulated dentist to perform professional teeth whitening. You may see a sign up in your salon offering treatment but be warned this may lead to all kinds of trouble and you are putting yourself at risk. A professional will discuss with you what treatment is appropriate to you and develop your treatment plan to give you your desired result. At Secrets Medical Centre, our dentists will discuss your options with you and make sure you are suitable and understand all the information.
Time is relative
Want perfect, white teeth tomorrow? Well it’s just not going to happen. You are probably already aware that whitening your teeth takes time, on average you can begin to see results after 3-4 weeks depending on treatment. Good things come to those who wait!
Teeth whitening costs vary massively depending on what type you are looking for, from £80 to upwards of £1000 in some cases, At Secrets, our most costly is our Enlighten whitening which is £550, which includes personal whitening trays and guarantees a shade so you know that you are going to get the smile you want! We offer cheaper alternatives such as an in chair whitening session as well as Boutique whitening and Colgate whitening.
Manage your expectations
Teeth whitening can only whiten your existing colour. Always get advice from a dental professional to ensure that you are not in for disappointment. If you fall into this category and really must have whiter teeth then veneers or crowns may be an option, but ensure to discuss this thoroughly with one of our dentists.
Don’t be afraid
When carried out by a professional, there is nothing to be scared of when getting your teeth whitened, some minor side effects that some patients may experience is some slight sensitivity in your teeth and gums which is temporary and disappears after a few days.
No Permanent fix- it’s over to you!
The dentists work is done and your teeth are the shade you are after, what now? Well the hard work does not end there. To ensure your teeth stay exactly as you want them the hard work is over to you. You can help to keep your teeth white by cutting down on the amount of food and drinks you have that can stain teeth. Also stopping smoking will also help prevent discolouration and staining.
Not alone
At Secret, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have and love to be kept up to date with your treatment and how it is progressing. So what are you waiting for, book a teeth whitening consultation now!
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Source: Oral Health foundation
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